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Laser Hair Removal

Carbon Facial Pre / Aftercare

Carbon Facial Pre Care:


• Patch testing must be carried out on all patients before treatment commences. If a

new condition or area is to be treated on someone who has had prior treatments, a

patch test must still be carried out in the new treatment area.

• The aim of the test patch is to determine the most effective fluence settings for the

patient skin type and lesion type, without causing any adverse reactions.

• Before the treatment wavelength is changed, a patch test must be carried out

with the new wavelength

• Treat a small area in the area to be treated. The area to be treated needs to

be clean and devoid of cosmetics and creams.

• A range of settings straddling the ‘best guess’ settings are required.

• Client, operator and anyone else in the room must ensure that appropriate

eyewear is worn before treatment commences.

• The handpiece must be held perpendicular to the surface being treated with

the appropriate spacer touching the skin.

• Treatment should be ceased if contraindications occur.

• Clients must be given clear instructions on post laser skin care, in particular

sun avoidance and avoidance of injury to the skin.

• Details of the treatments performed should be accurately recorded in the

client’s record. The entry should be signed and dated.


1. Cleanse the skin, ensuring all make up and daily environmental pollutants

are removed, and skin is left dry. Men should shave before treatment.

2. Apply the carbon paste very thinly to the skin, avoiding the hair line, and

allow to fully dry.

3. Parameters should be chosen to use the lowest setting that results in an

audible ‘crack’ and removal of the carbon paste

4. Once the carbon paste has been removed with the Q-Switch, cleanse the

skin and complete treatment by applying a layer of Lynton Light Soothe

and Light Protect SPF50.

Pre-Treatment Advice

1. The area to be treated should be free from make-up, perfume, deodorant and body or face creams.


2. There should be no active or fake tan in the area to be treated. Use of sunbeds or prolonged exposure to sunlight is not allowed in the month prior to treatment and a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 must be used on the area between treatments. Sun-tans must be left to fade completely before treatment can start. Fake tans and gradual tanning products must also be fully faded before treatment can commence.


3. We reserve the right to charge for any appointment booked but abandoned due to active sun-tan or fake tan.


4. A medical history is taken at consultation, but we rely on you to inform us of any changes to this. We need to know of any medication you are taking, including those bought from a chemist or herbalist.


5. Make sure that you arrive in good time for your appointment; this will allow us to pre-cool and prepare the skin if this should be required.


Carbon peel Post care:



Immediately after any treatment, the skin should be cooled. Cooling can improve

patient comfort and reduce post-operative redness or swelling. Clients should be

instructed in post-treatment care and should be provided with written take-home

instructions recommending:

• Care should be taken to avoid trauma to the treated area for 4 or 5 days

afterwards. Avoid strenuous activities, sauna and steam, excessively hot

baths, massaging etc.

• If the area feels hot or swollen, the use of ice packs and / or aloe vera gel etc.

can improve client comfort and reduce erythema and swelling.

• Wash and bathe as normal but take cool showers rather than hot baths. The

skin should be patted dry and not rubbed.

• Make-up can be applied after several hours, if the skin is not sore or broken.

However, we advise caution if the area is feeling sensitive. Remove make up

carefully as rubbing the skin can cause irritation or infection. If the skin at the

treatment area becomes broken, then make-up should be avoided.

• Use a sunscreen (SPF 30+) and protect the area from sunlight as much as

possible between treatments and for at least one month after treatment ends.

Failure to do this can lead to sunburn and hyper-pigmentation of the treated

area. (Most cases of changes in pigmentation occur when the treated area

has been exposed to sunlight or in people with darker skin types).

• If blistering or crusting occurs, do not pick or scratch the treated area as this

could result in scar tissue formation.

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