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Laser Hair Removal

IPL Pre / Aftercare

IPL Pre Care for: 




Skin rejuvenation 


Hair Removal 



• Patch testing must be carried out on all patients before treatment

commences. If a new condition or area is to be treated on someone who

has had prior treatments, a patch test must still be carried out in the new

treatment area.

• The test patch should always be carried out using the

wavelength/handpiece that is to be used in treatment. If a client has

previously been treated with one wavelength/handpiece (for example the

650 handpiece), but is about to commence treatment using a different

wavelength/handpiece (for example the 585 handpiece), it is still necessary

to re-test patch with the new wavelength/handpiece.

• The aim of the test patch is to determine the most effective fluence settings

for the patient skin type and lesion type, without causing any adverse


• Treat a small area, in the area to be treated. The area to be treated needs

to be clean and devoid of cosmetics and creams.

• Client, operator and anyone else in the room must ensure that appropriate

eyewear is worn before treatment commences.

• The treatment block being used for the treatment should also be used for

the IPL test patch. The light guide should be placed gently onto the area

being treated.

• The patch test should be carried out at the fluence suggested by the

EXCELIGHT®️ System for a given skin type, and increased until the

appropriate skin reaction occurs.

• Treatment should be ceased if contra-indications occur.

• Clients must be given clear instructions on post IPL/laser skin care, in

particular, sun avoidance and avoidance of injury to the skin.

• Details of the treatments performed should be accurately recorded in the

client’s record. The entry should be signed and dated.

• If the area to be treated only requires one or two shots (for example, a small

spider naevus), then treatment can go ahead without a test patch if desired.


IPL Post Care for: 




Skin rejuvenation 


Hair Removal 



Immediately after any treatment, the skin should be cooled. Cooling can

improve patient comfort and reduce post-operative redness or swelling. Clients

should be instructed in post-treatment care and should be provided with written

take-home instructions recommending:

• Care should be taken to avoid trauma to the treated area for 4 or 5 days

afterwards. Avoid strenuous activities, sauna and steam, excessively hot

baths, massaging etc.

• If the area feels hot or swollen, the use of ice packs and / or aloe vera

gel etc. can improve client comfort and reduce erythema and swelling.

• Wash and bathe as normal but take cool showers rather than hot baths.

The skin should be patted dry and not rubbed.

• Make-up can be applied after several hours, if the skin is not sore or

broken. However, we advise caution if the area is feeling sensitive.

Remove make up carefully as rubbing the skin can cause irritation or

infection. If the skin at the treatment area becomes broken, then make-

up should be avoided.

• Following vascular treatments, a bruise may appear at the treated area.

This may last up to 15 days and as the bruise fades, there may be brown

discolouration of the skin. This usually fades in 1-3 months. When larger

vessels are treated they may take on a darker colour. Again, this may

take up to four weeks to resolve as the body re-absorbs the damaged


• Use a sunscreen (SPF 30+) and protect the area from sunlight as much

as possible between treatments and for at least one month after

treatment ends. Failure to do this can lead to sunburn and hyper-

pigmentation of the treated area. (Most cases of changes in

pigmentation occur when the treated area has been exposed to sunlight

or in people with darker skin types).

KMK Advanced Beauty and Training, 44 The Hermitage, Armagh, BT61 8AH

EXCELIGHT®️ System Treatment Protocols Approved by Dr. Ross Martin M.B., Ch.B

Issue 07 : Issue Date 15/08/21 Review Date 15/08/22 Page 12 of 20 pages

• If blistering or crusting occurs, do not pick or scratch the treated area as

this could result in scar tissue formation.

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